Why can’t I see my PPC Ads for my local business? (And why it’s probably a good thing)


Have you ever been running a PPC campaign and struggled to see the ads when you searched your keywords? Here are 3 quick reasons why that may be happening — and actually good for you!

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Hey, what’s up, everybody!

Tyler here coming at you on a Friday with an answer Friday.

So I’ve got three questions from our clients from the past week that I wanna share with you in one minute or less.

So the first question is related to PPC ads.

So we have a client that was struggling to see their PPC ads when they were doing their own searches.

The question is, what reasons might there be for not being able to see your ads?

So I’ve got three answers for you.

  1. The first one might be that your budget might be exhausted for that part of the day. That one’s pretty obvious, or for the day, the other one might be.
  2. It might be exhausted for that part of the day. So if Google is trying to stretch your ads out over the entire day, they’re not gonna be able to serve your ads all day long at the same rate, or they’re gonna exhaust your budget.
  3. And then the last one might be, oh, if you’re somebody that personally looks for your ads a lot, Google might identify you as not a good person to show that attitude because you don’t click and you don’t engage with those.

So, Google might be trying to save your budget from yourself.

So that said, I hope that helps. Next question.