Do you need the “Extra” things that domain name providers try to sell you when buying a domain?


Domain name providers like Godaddy, Namecheap…etc. often throw a couple of extra offerings that can take your domain purchase from $20.00 to $50+. Do you need those things? We tackle the question in less than a minute on today’s Answer Friday!

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Do you need those extras when you’re buying a domain name?

So we have clients all the time that are acquiring domain names to start building a new website or, um, just for their brand in general.

Domain name providers like GoDaddy or name cheap, or host Gator or whatnot will often hit you with a bunch of extras as you’re gonna check out. Do you need those things?

The short answer is most of the time; you do not! 

There’s only one thing I consistently buy when I buy a domain name, and that’s domain name protection. All domain name protection does is it helps hide your name, address personal information from the internet because anybody can look it up.  (more details here) You’re supposed to be able to look up who owns domain names and keep that as part of the record.

Well, the protection will help protect that, but the other things like email, uh, do you need the website builder?

Do you need this, that, and the other thing? Most often, you do not need those things.

I usually pass by them, and you can almost always buy them later if you don’t need ’em that time. So hope that helps!