What’s the difference between a short tail and a long tail keyword, and why does it matter to a local business?

Hey everybody, I’m Tyler this is #AnswerFridays, where we answer our client’s questions from the last week in one minute or less.

So short tail keywords are exactly what you’d imagine — they are short keywords and typically represent the highest commercial intent keywords of a local area. So, think “Plumber Dallas”.
Long tail keywords just this — The longer the keyword gets the longer tail it is. So “Local Certified Plumber South Dallas”
is a much longer tail keyword. Why does this matter? Why should you care?

Well, the commercial keywords are proven, revenue drivers.

So, if you rank #1 for “Plumber Dallas” you’re gonna make a ton of money with some decent reviews and a decent website because there’s a lot of volume there.

But it’s hard to get ranked for those terms.

Another business might be able to optimize for that “South Dallas” term. They can build a page for it, rank quick and get some sneaky revenue from a term like that. So hope it helps. As always links are below if you need more information! Thanks!