Should you buy that keyword Rich domain name you were just emailed about? Use this quick google sheet guide to evaluate before you spend the money.




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Do you ever get emailed to question?

Do you wanna buy, you know, insert

I hope to save you some money with this video.

My name is Tyler. This is answer Fridays where I answer last week’s clients questions in one minute or less.

So should I buy this domain name question is one I get all the time?

And it has a really simple answer.

The answer starts with the question… What are you gonna do with it?

Most of our clients are looking to 301 redirect to boost their existing brand. In most cases, 98%, there’s no value in doing that.

That 301 redirect from that one domain. Even though it’s got a keyword in it, it’s not gonna do much.

Now, if somebody had built a brand on that domain, now it’s an Aged Domain, that might have more value.

But in most cases, It’s not. Now, there could be a bunch of other reasons (to buy it). I’ve linked to that below, and on my website, I answer this question in full. But for the most part, the answer to that is going to be no. You don’t need to buy that domain. Hope this helps. I hope I’ve saved you some money. Thanks!