Naked URL Anchors: Are they a safe backlink strategy for a local business?

So to understand this question, you have to understand what a backlink is.

A backlink is any link from one website to another.

Anchor Text is typically that descriptive text that’s over the top of a link.

For example:

All of these are backlinks and all of them have anchor text.

Branded Anchor Text:  Conversion First Marketing

Naked URL Anchor:

Exact Match Anchor:  Affordable Website Redesigner

So why is this important in an SEO context?

Well, it’s important because if you are trying to rank high,
let’s say, for Plumber, Kansas City.

Having a bunch of links from other sites to your site that say
“Plumber Kansas City” is going to give Google a ton of relevancy signals that your site is about that thing
and Google’s gonna rank you higher.

You can get into trouble, though, if you over-optimize it.

This is where the naked URL comes in, where it’s just the link to your brand.

That’s a great way to diversify and create a safe backlink post profile.

Naked URL Anchor:

Hope this helps!